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Real Dive Master Experience

The Dive Master course has continues to be challenging yet leaves all the students with a sense of personal fulfilment. We have learned how to give proper dive site briefings and get to practice in front of our classmates and instructors. This is a very important skill to have as a Dive Master because one of our primary responsibilities will be guiding certified divers around various underwater attractions.

I think that this is the best part of my future job. Working for PRO DIVE Ill get to go out on our boat, the Sealife V, and take people around the various sites we go to. This will put the navigation skills, which I learned on my advanced course, to the test. I will also be in charge of leading customers on shore dives both during the day and at night. Its vital that the briefings my colleagues and I give are both informative and captivating so that the other divers know correct procedures as well as what to look for on the dive.

Another great learning experience that I have had recently was helping the already certified DMs lead Discover Scuba courses at Shelley Beach (pictured above). When we are not in the classroom learning theory (physics, physiology, the RDP, the dive environment, and equipment), in the pool practicing skill demonstrations, or having our instructors simulate real-life DM situations we have the option to go along and help on these. Nothing teaches you more about what it is like to be a DM than watching one in action.

The Discover Scuba customers have never been diving before and so the DMs in charge of these sessions have their hands full. Rob, one of PRO DIVEs DMs said he feels that the Discover Scuba experiences can go one of two ways. Either the customers immediately catch on to how to dive and the experience is similar to that as a pleasure dive or the customers are very anxious and it is hard work to get them under the water and looking at some aquatic life.

Yesterday we took out three separate groups and I saw both of these possibilities. The customers who were comfortable we took for long, enjoyable cruises around Fairy Bower and Shelley Beach. The more anxious participants required more attention and energy as we calmed them down and let them experience what it is like to breath underwater. At the end of the day Rob and I cleaned and sorted gear and then he evaluated how I had done. The feedback was very useful and overall I think I grew greatly as I diver over the course of this day.