Take a look at these 5 great iPhone apps

Worried about the preservation of sea life? Ever wonder how your seafood consumption affects fish and shellfish populations? This new app takes sustainability to a whole new level!
Sustainable Seafood Guide 
In a new place and fancy a dive or two? Planning a vacation and want to dive? PADI's free iPhone app lets you find 5-Star PADI Dive Centers around the world
PADI iPhone app 
Tired of keeping a binder full of dive logs? Look no further than this app. It allows for manual entry, as well as the ability to transfer dives recorded with certain dive computers. Also includes conditions at dive sites and a photo library of many species of marine life, so you know exactly what you saw!
Dive Log iPhone app 
Want to brush up on your dive theory, or quiz yourself before you take the Openwater Theory Exam? This Scuba Exam app quizzes your knowledge of dive tables, dive theory, definitions, and more.
Scuba Exam iPhone app
Are you a Nitrox Diver? Looking for an easier way to determine the right blend of enriched air? Look no further than this app.
Nitrox Calculator iPhone appHere are a few similar apps for Android
Log dives, map out dive sites, store dive
buddy information, and have access to your dive history
Keep track of your pressure groups and see
how long your surface intervals need to be with this app
PADI's great iPhone app now available on
Android app
Nitrox calculator, although you should
always double check your mixes
Brush up on your scuba knowledge with this
exam app
Think you've found another great app? Share it in the comments section below!